RV-14 Interior!
Installed 3/29/2017
Abby at Flightline
Interiors has once again been working hard to get the RV-14
all dolled up with a nice cozy interior. I had been ok all
winter, thanks to global warming making this the warmest winter
we've ever experienced...but I was *REALLY* missing out on having
some pockets in the cockpit. Luckily Abby was ready to come
to the rescue and fix my problems. I did a bit of test fit
work of her panels, and we found they fit real nicely, providing a
nice warmth barrier against that outside skin. The pockets
are spacious and secure, and should work great for keeping things
in place during aerobatics.
I'm also really enjoying her seats. I'm glad she made them
as back cushions only that use the original seat pans, rather than
being a completely covered seat that covers the seat back pan
also. Here's why... I'm finding that the RV-14, when you use
a parachute, suddenly goes from fitting my almost 6'2" height
perfectly, to becoming just slightly too small. This is
despite me getting a parachute that is only 2" or so thick.
When I fly aerobatics, I remove the seat back cushion, which
allows me to use the parachute itself as the seat back
cushion. The slight difference between the seat
cushion thickness and the parachute thickness is enough to bring
me just enough closer to the stick that I'm not at 100% comfort
level...even with the seat pan all the way aft. If I were to
have one of those fully covered seat systems, removing the seat
pad would be impossible and I'd have to build an entirely separate
seat back pan that I'd swap in for aerobatics.
After seeing these interior pieces in place though, I'm pretty
thrilled with having it all nice. It's finally ready for
some x/c flights as well as the local aerobatics and flight
training I've been doing with it for the past few months.
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