Empennage Kit Arrives
10/2013 - Opened 11/11/2013
This fall has been pretty busy, so when the empennage kit arrived
I didn't have time to open it right away and left it right on the
trailer. I finally got around to opening the box and found
that the crate had a punch through that I didn't notice when
picking it up from FedEx Freight. Apparently they stuck a
fork through the end of the crate, and into the package maybe 6"
or so. When I received it, with the crate lid on (dark
inside) and laying on the ground, the seam had looked sealed up,
but with the lid off and the crate lifted up it was easy to see
from the outside. Then upon opening it, I found a crushed
rudder skin which clearly was puncture wounded.
I contacted FedEx and I think I could have gotten reimbursed, but
I contacted Van's and they said that since it was a prepaid
freight item, they could take up the fight for me. Later
that day they emailed me saying that the claim amount was low
enough (under $45 for the skin) that they'd just eat it and ship
me the skin. What good service from Van's! So very
shortly after I had a new skin. Everything else seems to be
in order, although I haven't had a chance to inventory it. I have,
however, already received a couple of forgotten or back-order
items, so they seem to be on the ball.